Submitted by LuigiFabbri on Thu, 02/29/2024 - 18:10

It was 1983; companies were introducing always new items, good or less valid. Sometimes, they copied their competitors but, other times, they invented something original. This is the case of Scubapro with its accessory to apply to the bottle reserve to turn it “acoustic” advising, with a sharp whistle when the pressure was decreasing below a certain value. This device could have been assembled directly in the HP inlet of the first stage or, at the end of the HP hose before the pressure gauge. We don’t know if this device was successful at that time, but we doubt it.


Another Scubapro novelty of the same year was the Dive Timer, a type of instrument that, during those years, it was present in the catalogues of several companies, sometimes very simple, other times integrated with other functions. In 1975, the Bottom timer was introduced, the first instrument by Princeton Electronics; the Timer Sub by Sos was born in 1982 with a spring recharge by an external lever, and others. The Dive Timer is similar to a wrist watch with velcro strap; in the middle, it has the big brand S; ha activates automatically at the depth of 5 feet (slightly more than one and half meter) indicating the total dive time, then resetting by turning the big clock crown. Numbers are backlit; maximum operating depth is 60 meters; it is operated by a lithium battery which should last about 8-10 years.


